Course Curriculum

Section 1: Introduction
Meet the Archive Shuttle Instructor – Rob Wilcox 00:00:30
Getting the most out of videos in our courses 00:02:00
Key topics in this course 00:05:00
Section 2: Things to consider
What is in scope? 00:10:00
The environment 00:05:00
Constraints 00:07:00
Section 3: What will happen to data left behind
Filtered data 00:05:00
Failures 00:05:00
Section 4: Reporting on progress
What to watch 00:07:00
How frequently to watch 00:05:00
Monitoring and reporting for an operator 00:10:00
Reporting for the project team 00:05:00
Final reporting 00:05:00
Section 5: Handling out of band requirements
Additional related tasks 00:05:00
Subsequent requirements 00:05:00
Section 6: Summary
Summary 00:05:00