Course Curriculum

Section 1: Introduction
Meet the Cloud Commander Instructor – Rob Wilcox 00:00:00
Meet the Cloud Commander Instructor – Tiffany Bailey 00:00:30
Getting the most out of videos in our courses 00:02:00
Section 2: Introducing Cloud Commander
Introduction to Cloud Commander 00:02:00
The Cloud Commander user interface 00:05:00
Section 3: Use cases
Mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, divestitures 00:02:00
A closer look at cloud-to-cloud migrations 00:07:00
Section 4: How it works
Where is Cloud Commander located 00:03:00
Migration process 00:02:00
Steps of the migration process 00:02:00
Security and roles 00:02:00
Section 5: Doing migrations
End-to-end testing 00:02:00
Setting up waves 00:06:00
Monitoring progress 00:03:00
How to create waves of users 00:15:00
Cloud Commander project checklists 00:01:00
Section 6: Summary
Summary – Using Cloud Commander 00:02:00
Contacting Cloud Commander Support 00:01:00
Section 7: Final Quiz!
Using Cloud Commander Final Quiz 00:25:00