Course Curriculum

Section 1: Introduction
Meet the Subject Matter Expert – Mike Weaver 00:01:00
Meet the Cloud Commander Instructor – Tiffany Bailey 00:00:30
Getting the most out of videos in our courses 00:02:00
Section 2: Introducing Cloud Commander
Introduction to Cloud Commander 00:02:00
Cloud Commander use cases 00:02:00
A closer look at cloud-to-cloud migrations 00:07:00
Ideal candidates 00:01:00
Section 3: Positioning
Competition 00:02:00
Special sauce 00:02:00
Positioning 00:04:00
Section 4: Selling Cloud Commander
Understanding Cloud Commander customer needs 00:06:00
Setting success criteria – Cloud Commander 00:04:00
Section 5: For partners
Commercial arrangements 00:02:00
Understanding risks of a Cloud Commander migration 00:02:00
Section 6: Summary
Summary – How to Sell Cloud Commander 00:01:00
Final quiz
How to sell Cloud Commander 00:20:00